
Welcome to the Generative AI Conference Advertising Opportunities page. We are thrilled to connect our dedicated and dynamic community of AI enthusiasts with companies and professionals who value the intersection of technology, creativity, and marketing. Spanning industries from fashion, architecture, art, gaming, music, and film, our audience represents a diverse, forward-thinking, and tech-savvy cohort hungry for new knowledge and insights.

Who are our Audience?

Our audience is composed of professionals, enthusiasts, and students in the Media, Marketing, and Creative fields. With a keen interest in how AI is revolutionizing their industries, our members are constantly seeking novel tools, techniques, and thought leaders to guide them. By advertising with us, your message will reach a diverse and eager audience with significant influence in their respective fields.

Our Reach

We have a strong digital presence, with over 8,600 monthly visits to our website and a robust social media following across platforms including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Our monthly newsletter is directly sent to 3,768 linkedin subscribers. Our YouTube E-learning tutorial series garners an average of 812 views per video, while our Gen AI Course for Creatives and Marketers is in development, but is anticipated to have has over 2,000 active participants.

Advertising Opportunities

Website Listing:
A static advertisement on our conference website for a full month. Your ad will be strategically placed for optimal visibility, ensuring high levels of engagement.
Pricing: $150/month.
Newsletter Feature:
Be included in our monthly newsletter that reaches 3,768 linkedin subscribers. This includes a full-color, clickable ad that directs traffic straight to your website.
Pricing: $200 per feature.
Social Network Post:
Have your ad appear in our community’s feed across our social media platforms. With our large, active online presence, you are guaranteed significant reach.
Pricing: $100 per post.
E-learning Tutorial Sponsor on YouTube:
Have your company featured as a sponsor for one of our popular e-learning tutorials on YouTube. This includes a 15-second pre-roll mention of your company and a display ad.
Pricing: $300 per sponsored tutorial.
E-learning Lesson in our Gen AI Course:
An opportunity to provide an educational lesson within our course curriculum. This includes a live or pre-recorded lesson led by your company, providing a deep, immersive, educational experience for our audience.
Pricing: $500 per lesson.
We're excited to offer these advertising opportunities, each providing unique advantages and engagement levels. To book an advertisement or for more information, please contact us at
Join us in shaping the future of creativity and marketing in the era of Generative AI. Your future audience is waiting for you here at the Generative AI Conference.
© 2023 Gen AI Group Limited


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